Entries by Gary Weigh

Make a connection with your customers!

Norma set up a new business in a busy suburban retail area.  The business offered a massage service but the massage was delivered not by the traditional hands-on approach, but by a computer programmed massage bed. Ten massage beds were purchased and set out ‘dormitory style’ in rented premises with soft lighting and music.  A […]

Business building tips Brisbane – threats that can wipe out a business

This is the story of Arthur, a Brisbane pharmacist.  After working as an employed pharmacist for a few years, he purchased his own suburban pharmacy.  The shop was located beside a doctor’s surgery.  In fact, as part of an arrangement with the doctor, the previous owner had built a doorway directly from the doctor’s waiting […]

Don’t bet on the weather or politicians

If you are looking for a business building tip in Brisbane, don’t bet on the weather or politicians! This is the story of Godfrey.  Godfrey is a very intelligent and entrepreneurial business man who saw an opportunity a few years ago. A few years ago, Queensland, Australia’s north eastern sub tropical State, was headed for […]