What’s your bully?

Business coaching Brisbane

One of the reasons that people can’t make New Year resolutions and achieve personal goals is that they can’t extricate themselves from difficult situations they are already in.  It is hard to move on when you are trapped.  In this case I am talking about being trapped at work by a bully.  So this year, I am going to use this blog to shine a light on workplace bullies.  Together we are going to identify, shame, and prosecute a few.

Workplace bullies come in all shapes and sizes; commonly male but not always.  I have seen quite a few and it seems to me that they all have one thing in common.  That is, fear.  It is an inbuilt ‘fear of lack’ developed over a long period of time.  It comes from feeling insecure about some personal attribute – e.g. wealth, status, intelligence, competence, looks, height, popularity, libido.   It probably goes deeper than that but I’m not a psychologist.

Probing and knowing the cause doesn’t excuse the misery bullies cause but it does suggest how fragile they would be if we could strip away their props – e.g. the power, authority, and status symbols, not to mention eradicating that traditional festering environment called the average workplace.

It is my view that most workplace environments enable and empower bullies.  They are simply built for it.  The same structure that supposedly elicits the best work results is the one that causes most misery to its people.  It simply allows relationships that don’t exist elsewhere.  The age-old hierarchical structure and the master-servant relationships of the workplace are tailor made for the underachiever looking to slip the collar of self control and respect for others.

Send me your bullying stories and let’s act.

Luck is the success you plan for

Business building tips Brisbane

When planning your 2012 resolutions, think about this!  ‘Luck’ is an unexpected outcome that befalls people who generally don’t act; don’t do; and love to procrastinate.  Luck plays no part in planning and operating a business or managing risk.  What appears to be luck to observers is simply what happens to people who act, do and persevere with it.   The more you swing the bat, the more you hit the ball.  Funnily enough, luck in business is actually the success you planned for, viewed through the eyes of self doubt.  If you can deal with your fear and believe in yourself, then most of the time, what might appear to be luck is no more than you should expect.

Business planning – tire kickers & chokers

Met another would-be business planning client the other day!   It’s not a regular occurrence, but an occasional distraction.  Many people like the idea of being in business for themselves but the reality scares the crap out of them.  They get at or near the start line and choke.   My brand of coaching removes all the dreaming right after the ‘vision’ stage.  After that it resembles hard work.  After a long period of procrastination, that can be a harsh reality.  The choke statement was that she couldn’t proceed until she received a tax refund she was waiting on.   If anyone really has to wait for a tax refund to pay a business expense (in this case ‘advice’) then they are in real trouble.  If you are serious you’ve just got to man-up (or woman-up) and take control.  It’s just another reason why you plan first!

To know more about business planning

Email me at gary@garyweigh.com

Mobile: 0408756531

If your business building strategy is right, be patient

Business building aiki style 

When you start a business money is usually short and enthusiasm is usually high.  You are in a hurry and you want to get going.  You implement your business building plans and you want everything to happen immediately, if not sooner. 

If that doesn’t happen, you become impatient and a little desperate and wonder why this great idea and all your best-laid plans are not working.  Then you change something!!  That can be a mistake because too often it will be a compromise in the interest of expediency.  You have just compromised your original intention.

You need to be committed to your original plan and be patient.  If it is well thought out, it will be a logical and cohesive plan.  When you implement, your actions need time to propagate and you need to hold your nerve.  So maintain your centre and extend strongly.  That is, maintain rock solid intention.

If you believe in your original intention, then let it run and wait for the result.  If it doesn’t work, find out why and then make the adjustment.

It could be the case that your original plan may have been a great idea but for some reason it is not working.  For example, you get the best brochures printed, distribute them to your target customers and the phone doesn’t ring.  The brochure part was fine but people generally need more than one contact before they buy.  So the idea was good but the strategy may be underdeveloped.  Therefore, a good strategy simply stops short.

Deal in facts, not fear!!  You are in control of your destiny and the power lies within you.  So when you are business building, stay in control.  Don’t abdicate that power to someone else, and especially not to those success saboteurs in your head – ‘fear’ and ‘self doubt’.  Trust your instincts and maintain you centre.

If you would like to see more of Aikido-in-action in everyday life, check out my Aikido Secrets blog at http://www.aikido-secrets-to-calm-success.com/

Gary Weigh

Business Coach gary@garyweigh.com

Mobile: 0408756531

Understand your need for money


Consider this before business building!  Nobody ever wants money for money’s sake.  Money has no intrinsic value.  Its value lies only in what it can purchase.  So there are reasons why you want money in your life.  What are they?

 It might be to buy a new house, travel overseas or educate your kids.  These are great goals and so is the desire to be financially independent.

Understanding why you want money helps create strength in your motivation for generating money. If deep down you are striving to (for example) improve the lot of your family and to make life easier for your kids than it was for you, then you are generating some very powerful motives for making money.

On the other hand, if your motives extend no deeper than buying new baubles each week, then your motivation may not be strong.  You risk being distracted by the next shiny thing dangling in front of your eyes.  But if it works for you, stick with it.

Before you can tell other people where you are coming from, you must understand it yourself.  So it doesn’t hurt to do a little bit of honest self assessment.  Dig deep!

Seek motivation deeper than simply being able to pay your monthly bills.  Why stop there!  If you can do that then you can achieve the next level of income, and the one after that.  You can keep moving forward one step at a time towards realising your dreams.

If you would like to see more of Aikido-in-action in everyday life, check out my Aikido Secrets blog at http://www.aikido-secrets–to-calm-success.com

Gary Weigh

Business Coach gary@garyweigh.com

Mobile: 0408756531

Establishing a positive focus

When it comes to achieving your goals, your mindset needs to be a positive one, extending forward into abundance.  It really helps to overcome inertia; and to generate positive action, movement and momentum.

You can’t afford to sit in a puddle with your mind dwelling on the negative, focusing on retreat, cutting back, making do, substituting secondhand, doing without and stretching every dollar as far as possible.

Repeating a silent plea for more money is not focused, positive thinking.  It is merely wishing; born out of desperation.  There is not one positive action that supports it, and people can smell desperation a mile away.

Own the solution, not the problem!!  If you don’t, you will drive yourself nuts blaming others for your misfortune or lack of achievement; somehow justifying to yourself that you are a special case; convincing yourself that you are trapped in poverty and every door is closed to you.

If friends and colleagues also share your misery, find some new friends.  Like attracts like and misery loves company.  Your first step to freeing your mind is to talk to someone who sees the positive side of life.

If you would like to read more about Aikido in everyday life, check out my blog at http://aikido-secrets-to-calm-success.com

You get what you focus on

Managing start up business

You get what you focus on

Managing start up business is more than just buying at one price and selling at another.  The mind conceives all thought, all concepts, and initiates all action.  At Gary Weigh & Associates, we pay a lot of attention to your mindset.  These principles of business mind are drawn from the powerful art of Aikido.

Do you ever wonder why goal achievement, good fortune or indeed money never seems to come your way?  It may be that you have to change your mindset and your point of focus.

When you think about what you want in life and in business, is your focus on positive aspects of your wants, or on the problems that their lack is causing?

This law of the universe always holds true.  The more you focus on the lack and the problems the lack is causing, the more you will succeed in being without.

In the art of Aikido, we never narrow our focus to the point of attack (i.e. the apparent problem).  There is an old martial arts saying, “Don’t look, just see!”  In other words, relax your tunnel vision and take in the wider perspective.

Your focus must always be on the solution.  To focus on the solution possibilities will always bring you closer to finding an acceptable solution.  Whereas focusing on the problem will only ever exacerbate the problem.  It only serves to draw the negative energy closer to you.

Managing a start up business is only one aspect of life in business.  If you would like to read more about Aikido in everyday life, check out my blog at http://aikido-secrets-to-calm-success.com

It is never too late!

Business coaching Brisbane

Following the powerful mind development principles of Aikido

Learning the art of Aikido was a sea change for me! When I learnt how to relax and maintain a calm mind under pressure, I discovered the ability to think very clearly.

For the most part, stress gradually became a thing of the past as I slowly worked out how not to put pressure on myself. Maintaining a calm mind under pressure is a much easier thing to do when you don’t feel pressure in the first place.

As a result, life became much more enjoyable. I worked through and solved some health problems and am still actively on the path of becoming healthier than I have been in a decade.

Even the process of making money changed. It is now a much more enjoyable activity because I go with my own flow and choose what I want to do and who I want to do it with.

Real wealth started to flow in my life when I learnt to relax my mind and stay calm. Aikido was 100% responsible for my change of mindset. By real wealth I mean wellness, happiness, family, good friends as well as money.

Real wealth is so much more of a well rounded concept than the mere pursuit of money. It’s hard to believe before you have experienced it but when everything else is aligned, money just happens.

If you want to follow the same path I did, then stop fighting against yourself.  Be happy with who you are and quit resisting the perception of others being luckier and things not going your way.  Find your peace and develop an ethic of calm positive action.  If you do, you will find that the money flows.

In business terms, money is not the strategy itself it is the result of the strategy. When I feel relaxed and I am in a calm frame of mind, I find that money just flows. Worry and stress throws it into reverse and puts money further out of reach.

If you would like to learn more about the powerful principles of Aikido and apply them to your business, check out my blog at http://www.aikido-secrets-to-calm-success.com

Business coaching Brisbane with a difference!

Call Gary on 0408 756 531 or send an email to gary@garyweigh.com

Your success saboteurs

Business coaching Brisbane

Following the powerful principles of Aikido

Opportunity is often waiting for you to get out of the way!    Subconsciously, it is easy to get in the way and sabotage your own success by doing your best to keep everything the same.  Your two friends ‘fear’ and ‘self doubt’ are the culprits, so you need to find ways to silence them.

Self sabotage presents itself as a sudden stop on an initiative you were enthusiastic about a week ago and making excuses for not continuing to act and follow through.  The most common excuses for not following through on initiatives and new strategies are bushfires at work that need urgent attention or other more routine things need attention.

Once procrastination sets in, you are back on business flat-line.  The opportunity slowly fades away; there is no new life and no growth.  You attempted to break out, gave it a shot and nothing happened.  How frustrating!  Everything is exactly the same.  Welcome to the world of self sabotage.

The way out of this inertia is to recognise your avoidance behaviour and kick-start some momentum.  A very easy way to do this is to set your self up for small successes.  This means setting incredibly simple and achievable goals, not going too far out of your comfort zone and taking very small steps forward.

Another sure fire remedy for fear and self doubt is to connect with positive people.  These can be business friends, favourite clients or your mentor / business coach.  Positive collaboration does wonders for the soul.  Networking with other positive business people is an ideal strategy.

Nothing inspires further success like success itself. So keep your momentum going!  When small successes are easily achieved, make the steps a little bigger.  Keep making positive connections with other people.

Watch out for negative people who seek to slow you down or drag you back.  After a while you will feel their negative energy as soon as they come near you.  Avoid them at all costs.

If you would like to learn more about the powerful principles of Aikido and apply them to your business, check out my blog at http://www.aikido-secrets-to-calm-success.com

Business coaching Brisbane with a difference!

Call Gary on 0408 756 531 or send me an email to gary@garyweigh.com

Do you lack business understanding?

Business coaching Brisbane

If only business was as simple as buying at one price and selling at another to make a profit. It should be that, but most overcomplicate it due to lack of understanding. Nevertheless, it is this blissfully simplistic notion that will seduce you and many other new entrants in launching a business enterprise, blind to the reality of what lies ahead and riding high on the dream of wealth and riches.

It is easy not to pay sufficient attention to the customer and it is even easier to avoid some of the more mind-numbing administration issues such as finance, inventory, cash flow, leasing, employment, industrial issues, occupational health & safety, compliance, licensing conditions, taxation and superannuation. Such avoidance and neglect can quickly unravel a promising enterprise.

Few new entrants fully understand what operating a business really means and it is almost impossible to gain such an appreciation until you have stood by the cash register and lived on nothing else but the sales you make. A University degree will not provide a true perspective, only experience from time served in business can do that.

I guess that is why Winston Churchill said that “Success is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm”.

For all your professional business coaching Brisbane needs call Gary on 0408 756 531