Entries by Gary Weigh

The humble entrepreneur

Business consultancy Being wrong can feel exactly the same as being right, because even in error, the blind assumption of righteousness underlies the assertion.  However, that feeling can change dramatically at the moment the error is realised.   Embarrassment, humiliation, shame are just some of the words to describe what follows that well known sinking feeling.  […]

The times they are a’changin’

Business Planning If it’s not online or doesn’t have a significant online presence, you best re-think your business model.  Everything can be bought online and customer service and security is constantly improving.   Online marketing and product / service technology is improving and escalating exponentially.   So just imagine what it will be like in another 5 […]

This bullying story is hard to top

Gary Weigh & Associates – business coaching Brisbane When I first read bullying story, I was gobsmacked.   This is hard to top! “This is about a sociopathic office bully called Colin.   Affectionately known as ‘Col’ by his legion of enemies, Colin was a senior manager in a prominent service company who could be best described […]

Practicing the art of business

Business building In the Japanese art of Aikido it is subtlety, timing, practiced positioning and advanced state of mind that make the art work.  We follow this philosophy when approaching the challenges of business building.  Even in the art of business, practice doesn’t make perfect.  Perfect practice does.  At first the  student merely learns the outer […]

The art of peace is a metaphor for business

Business coach Brisbane A calm business mind for me comes from aikido, a subtle Japanese martial art known worldwide as the Art of Peace.  Whilst dojo training is never a life or death situation, it does teach a very useful self protection skill that I can use effectively in 95% of life’s unpleasant situations.   I am […]

Business building Australia – mental toughness

Business building Australia As MMA champion, Ice Man Chuck Liddell said, “Mental toughness is no part time thing.”   Mental toughness does not mean swaggering around looking for fights.  It means practiced resistance to breaking down or giving in under pressure.   Note the emphasis on ‘practiced’ resistance.  Like all skill development, mental toughness requires a good […]