Entries by Gary Weigh

A new age in financial advice

Business consultancy Australia MyProsperityForum is a fast convenient way to access unbiased financial advice.  If you are busy and short of time, simply subscribe at www.myprosperityforum.com and log in at any time of the day or night.  Ask questions, see what others ask, check out the articles & FAQ.  The forum is ideal for anyone […]

Business risks & outcomes you never think about!

Business planning consultancy Brisbane Answer the following and then ask yourself if you are prepared for these outcomes.  Are you taking unnecessary risks with the future of the most valuable asset you own.  Business planning could save you a fortune if misfortune strikes. “If you died tomorrow, would your business die with you?” “Would you […]

Will you receive fair value for your business?

Business planning Australia The reality is that your business, like every other business, has its ‘ups’ and ‘downs’.  Good people come and go, owners become jaded, stressed, and sick.  Accidents happen and with increasing age, an owner chances of dying prematurely or suffering a critical and debilitating health event, significantly increase. Larger businesses can cope […]