How much do you enjoy work?

If you are thing about quitting your job and managing a start up business, this is worth a look!  This cleverly presented slideshow sums up beautifully what a lot of people put up with at work.  It is kindly shared by a UK based organisation   Watch this below!


And here is my comment … There are some really kind and considerate employers out there but tend to be in the minority.  At the same time, rude, inconsiderate and sometimes creepy co-workers seem to be in the majority; all competing to advance their own agenda.  So if you have moved around a bit in your industry and still not happy, it may be time for a permanent lifestyle change.  If you have lost the enjoyment of working for someone else and you deep down harbour a desire to march to the beat of your own drum, then it might be time to think about managing start up business for your self.

You can be the boss you always wanted to have; and you can regain the enjoyment of work by building your own workplace culture the way you would like it to be.  It is well known that the culture of a workplace, whether good or bad, whether by design or by default,  comes from the top.   Gather knowledge, get advice and get some good people on your side and it can be an enjoyable journey!

Email me at for my popular fact sheet, “Managing a start up business in Australia”. IT’S FREE!

Until next time!
