
Superannuation – will you retire on it?

Business consultancy Australia

business consultancy AustraliaMy cynical view is, “For the majority, probably not!”  Younger workers with time on their side perceive no immediate need and therefore, have little interest.  Older workers have the need and the regret of not acting sooner, but lack the time to accumulate sufficient retirement savings.

I believe that if it wasn’t for compulsory superannuation and union super funds, most workers wouldn’t have any superannuation savings at all.  Nor would they have any personal insurance protection.   To most people, superannuation is just another form to fill in when starting a new job; and to get life insurance is just another budget impost with a benefit that the life insured will never see.

It is only when it is too late that the benefits of needs-based superannuation savings and insurance protection are fully realized.   I regularly receive enquiries from people who are two years off retirement or who have been diagnosed with cancer.  As much as I feel their desperation and regret, we are planners, not magicians.

But then the phone rings and the person on the other end tells me that they have taken stock of their life and they have realised that they need to budget; address their debts; start saving for the future; and protect their family (while still healthy) in case life deals them an unfortunate blow.

These are the clients I live for – people who live for today and want to plan for tomorrow; people who look past their own mortality to the financial welfare of their spouse and children.

I again remember why I chose this profession – to help people who are willing to help themselves.

Dying with nothing

“Protection is critical!”

A young work-at-home business Mum with an inoperable brain tumour has less than 12-months to live.  She has no partner to support her and is unable to continue working.  She has a personal loan, two maxed-out credit cards and little cash savings to fall back on.  She relies on charity and the financial generosity of friends.

Her greatest regret is that she can no longer provide for her young children.  She is distraught at the prospect of what might become of them after she passes away.  She knows she is leaving them in poverty.

A friend asks her if she has any insurance.  She discovers that she has a small amount of life insurance through her last employer’s superannuation fund.    That will help her children a little after she has gone but is of no use to her while she is alive.

She has no Total & Permanent Disability insurance (TPD), critical illness (trauma) insurance or income protection, all of which could have helped her while she is alive.

She doesn’t know it but had she held her life insurance policy outside superannuation, she may have qualified for a terminal illness lump sum benefit in advance of the death benefit.  Benefits like this are not always available in superannuation.

Whilst financial planning and insurance advice can’t cure her inoperable brain tumour, it will solve the problem of dying with nothing; or worse, dying with nothing but debt.

For business & personal financial advice tailored to your needs call Gary personally on 0408 756 531

What’s happening in the forum?

There’s plenty going on!

  • Kate got a good solution to her product pricing (am I actually making money?) problem
  • Narelle has started saving for a home deposit more because she has a simple budget tool to use
  • Audrey read one of the many insider articles, ‘How much life insurance is enough’ and realised that she was leaving her two kids unprotected
  • In the meet-up room, Narelle asked Kate to give her more information about her natural pain management products

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MyProsperityForum is one of the most innovative websites ever.  If you are interested in your own prosperity, you can join the forum and ask questions about anything to do with personal finances or business planning.  This includes budgets, debt, investment, insurance, superannuation, retirement, insurance, or even starting a business income.

The beauty of this forum is there is not the usual product push or pressure to fork out money for a financial plan.  It is a safe place to find out how to get ahead financially; and there is always a financial planning expert on hand to answer your questions and guide you.  This site is perfect if you’re a DIY, don’t want to spend lots of money, or if you just want to learn to be better with money.  There is even a private message service if you want to ask a silly question.

There are heaps of great articles already posted in the forum.  To name just a few:

  • The ugly truth about ‘no medicals’ life insurance
  • Improve your personal finances – 10 ways to get started
  • The power of a good risk insurance adviser
  • Putting money away for the kids
  • My top 10 tips for a prosperous retirement

Just in case you don’t get enough value from having a financial expert to yourself and reading the plain English articles, there is also a 220-page e-book called “Recession Riches and Wealth”.

I strongly recommend you check out this unique forum